
查看875 | 回复0 | 2012-5-23 22:15:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Job Title: Field Service Engineer 维修工程师 (化学、生化、分析化学)

Department: Chemical Analysis Group化学分析事业部

Location: 上海

Target: 化学、生物化学、分析化学等相关专业本科学历

Job Description:
-        Responsible for on-site installation, maintenance and repair of Agilent’s products which may include hardware, software and applications.
-        Deliver hardware and software training to customers

- Bachelor degree in Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Bio-chemistry or related discipline.
- Good technical knowledge.
- Sound communication skill / interpersonal skill.
- Be self- motivated and proactive.

Application Method: 请把简历发送到: resume@agilent.com 。请註明职位号码 - 2042974 (维修工程师/上海)。

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