
查看1072 | 回复0 | 2016-10-9 14:08:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Job Description:
A part-time TA position for the Marketing Management course to grade MBA student class participation -- mainly keeping track of which student said what.
Completing other tasks (e.g., assignment grading) may be requested only if the TA has extra time (and ability)

The major qualifications are as follows:

1.       The time availability:
Should be available from 9am – 3:30pm on class dates (will be given a lunch break from 12:30-2pm). The class will be held 20 times, starting from oct 12 and ending on dec 5. The class will meet typically three times a week (e.g., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) but the number of classes held on each week varies depending on each week. Specific class dates can be provided on request.

2.       English proficiency
Should be proficient in English so that s/he can follow the class discussion and keep track of student comments.

3.       Punctuality and diligence
Lateness to class cannot be tolerated. The candidate is expected to send in the class record in a timely fashion and encouraged to communicate with the professor on regular bases about the general status of the sessions and report any irregularities s/he notices during sessions.


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