
查看717 | 回复0 | 2015-6-29 17:36:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2015上海高校实习生群 436194200
同济大学校园招聘QQ群 368396083

Internship position: Materials engineer
Location: Minhang Tianning Rd.

The candidates will focus on heavy gas turbine used materials investigation (c
asing, rotor, turbine blade & vane).
Conduct literature survey for common used materials in heavy gas turbine to un
derstand materials properties, manufacturing technology, application restricti
ons, and potential candidate for next generation.
To generate materials specification for global sourcing including spec draft,
basic data comparison.

-Strong data digging and search capability;
-Fast reading and good communication;
-Strong materials science and engineering background in casting, welding, forg
ing, NDE area;
-Strong skills for Excel and word;
-With knowledge of gas turbine, steam turbine and manufacturing experience wil
l be preferred;
Contact Information     
-Qualified applicants may submit their resume via email to zj.zhangjun@siemens
.com with title ‘2015 intern + name + university + tel number.
Expected working time: 600h/each; 6 months;
Expected onboard time: July.2016
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