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本帖最后由 okliuijie 于 2015-1-27 12:27 编辑

霍尼韦尔国际(Honeywell International)是一家营业额达300多亿美元的多元化高科技和制造企业,在全球,其业务涉及:航空产品和服务,楼宇、家庭和工业控制技术,汽车产品,涡轮增压器,以及特殊材料。霍尼韦尔公司总部位于美国新泽西州莫里斯镇。
霍尼韦尔是一家国际性从事自控产品开发及生产的公司,公司成立于一八八五年,有超过百年历史的国际公司,一九九六年,被美国"财富"在杂志评为最受推崇的20家高科技企业之一。是一家销售额为333.7亿美元(2011年度),在多元化技术和制造业方面占世界领导地位的跨国公司(500强排名280位)。[1] 宗旨是以增加舒适感,提高生产力,节省能源,保护环境,保障使用者生命及财产从而达到互利增长为目的。为全球的楼宇,工业,航天及航空市场的客户服务。霍尼韦尔在九十五个国家雇有十三万名员工,以满足客户,力争成为世界自控先驱,从而实现互利增长的目标。[2]


.Net(C#) (Ticket: 1)—Intern

Product description:

HUS (Honeywell Universal Surveillance Integration Platform) is a distributed system designed for the large-scale, multi-level managing and cross-function networks. HUS can monitor and manage different kinds of analog video system, digital video surveillance system, intrusion and access control system, seamlessly integrating them into one powerful security management interface. HUS can also provide remote management function and fulfill customer's needs of reliability, complexity and flexibility. HUS is designed for large-scale network with multi-level management to integrate analog matrix, DVR, Streamer, intrusion system and access control into one interface for the convenient third-party monitoring and management.

HUS integrates many advanced technologies. Including CIP, OSS, DES, DVM, MVMS, VMS, UDI, MDI, TPII, HWS, VEMS/GIS, AVPS, DAS, ALR, SES, ITA, ALM with an open framework structure to realize various functions, such as advanced integration platform, event and control center, application in different environment, advanced video processing solution, virtual matrix system, GIS based map, distribution authentication system, sequence engine system and parameter adjustment to execute customers' various business requirements. Based on users' level and identification, HUS integration interface can implement remote management of video surveillance, customer end's instant image on electric map, information comprehension, real-time video listing, real-time multi-image monitoring, camera control, image review, advanced video processing solution, remote video automatic-checking and GIS based map, E-Map, equipment information management, video surveillance proof with alarm/event checking, web configuration management and remote control and operation.

HUS guarantees stable, safe, strong and open system operation to meet the security needs of different industries such as city surveillance, banking and finance, commercial or public buildings, and transportation industry; HUS can also provide comprehensive management across different levels in the network and support resource sharing with various industries’ information system.


·        Design, implement and maintain modules of HUS.

Primary skill requirement:

·        Regular bachelor degree or above in computer science related field.
·        Professional skills on .Net(C#), SQL under windows platform is highly required.
·        Professional skills on data structures and algorithms is highly required.
·        Knowledge of COM, well understanding interoperability of .Net and C++.
·        Good knowledge of resolving memory leak issues especially .Net release C++ COM object, GC mechanism of C# and IDispose usage.
·        Good knowledge of multi-thread programming is highly required.
·        Good social, interpersonal communication skill.

Additional requirements:

·        Experience on WPF,WF,WCF,Winform, is a plus
·        Understanding of Xaml, HTML is a plus

Please mail resume to
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