
查看642 | 回复4 | 2013-9-26 17:01:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
蔡司集团是全球光学和光电行业的领导者。全球 24000 名员工在 2011/12 财年创造了 42 亿欧元的业绩。一百六十多年来,在工业解决方案、科研解决方案、医疗技术和消费光学的市场上,蔡司公司不断贡献尖端技术,挑战人类视野的巅峰。蔡司不仅研发制造天文台、眼镜镜片、相机摄影机镜头和望远镜镜片,更为生物医学研究、医疗技术、半导体、汽车和机械制造工业提供光学解决方案。

1846 年始创于德国耶拿的蔡司集团,目前有六大业务在全球 40 多个国家运营,共设有约 40 个 生产基地和 50 余个销售及服务处,并拥有近 20 个研发中心。蔡司集团 100% 为卡尔蔡司基金会全额控股,总部位于德国奥伯科亨。

早在1957年蔡司就已进入中国,目前蔡司集团在中国设有显微镜、医疗技术、工业测量和视光保健四大事业部。中国区是蔡司集团最富活力的增长市场之一,2011/12 财年创造了20亿人民币的业绩。我们在全国共有2500多位员工,分布于各地的7个生产基地和15个销售与服务中心为本地客户提供了强有力的支持,也为全球各相关业务提供生产保障。

近年,蔡司中国与清华大学、同济大学、上海大学和西安理工大学等知名高校开展了从研发到教习的广泛合作,为提高学术研究水平、支持本地研发、推进产学研应用合作不懈努力。2012 年,蔡司在上海设立创新与研发中心,进一步推动中国区的长期发展。

"We make it visible." 蔡司为你开启认知世界的全新方式——这是我们对世界的承诺,也是全体员工孜孜以求的目标。

Carl Zeiss
The Carl Zeiss Group is an international leader in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. In fiscal year 2011/12 the company's approximately 24,000 employees generated revenue of nearly 4.2 billion euros. In the markets for Industrial Solutions, Research Solutions, Medical Technology and Consumer Optics, Carl Zeiss has contributed to technological progress for more than 160 years and enhances the quality of life of many people around the globe.

The Carl Zeiss Group develops and produces planetariums, eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses and binoculars as well as solutions for biomedical research, medical technology and the semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industries. Carl Zeiss is present in over 40 countries around the globe with about 40 production facilities, over 50 sales and service locations and service locations and approximately 20 research and development sites. Carl Zeiss AG is fully owned by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung (Carl Zeiss Foundation). Founded in 1846 in Jena, the company is now headquartered in Oberkochen, Germany.
Carl Zeiss in China
Carl Zeiss’ history in China dates back to 1957. Currently headquartered in Shanghai, Carl Zeiss is now represented in China market with four business groups including Microscopy, Medical Technology, Industrial Metrology and Vision Care.

China is one of the most dynamic growth regions for the Carl Zeiss Group. 2500 employees through up the country generated over 2 Billion RMB sales revenue in fiscal year 2011/12 with 7 factories and 15 sales and service offices strongly supporting our customers in the region.
In recent years, Carl Zeiss China established comprehensive academic collaboration with famous Chinese universities such as Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Shanghai University and Xi’an University of Science and Technology to encourage the education and application development of local community as well as to strengthen the research capabilities of local team. In 2012, Carl Zeiss set up its China Innovation and R&D center in Shanghai.
“We make it visible.” This is our commitment to the world, and also the moment we work for.

1.        应用专员 (显微镜) – Application Specialist (Microscope)
2.        服务工程师 (显微镜) – Service Engineer (Microscope)
工作地点:上海 / 北京 / 广州
3.        销售工程师 (显微镜) – Sales Engineer (Microscope)
工作地点:上海 / 北京
4.        应用技术专员(医疗技术) – Application Specialist (Medical Technology)
5.        软件工程师 (研发部)– Software Engineer (R&D)
6.        机械工程师 (研发部)– Mechanical Design Engineer (R&D)
7.        电气工程师 (研发部)– Mechatronics Design Engineer (R&D)
8.        应用工程师 (工业测量) – Application Engineer (Industrial Metrology)
9.        培训支持专员 (视力保健) – Training Support Specialist (Vision Care)

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jkl2012 | 2013-9-30 13:16:28 | 显示全部楼层
蔡司集团是全球光学和光电行业的领导者。全球 24000 名员工在 2011/12 财年创造了 42 亿欧元的业绩。一百六十多年来,在工业解决方案、科研解决方案、医疗技术和消费光学的市场上,蔡司公司不断贡献尖端技术,挑战人类视野的巅峰。蔡司不仅研发制造天文台、眼镜镜片、相机摄影机镜头和望远镜镜片,更为生物医学研究、医疗技术、半导体、汽车和机械制造工业提供光学解决方案。
jkl2012 | 2013-10-5 12:18:12 | 显示全部楼层
蔡司集团是全球光学和光电行业的领导者。全球 24000 名员工在 2011/12 财年创造了 42 亿欧元的业绩。一百六十多年来,在工业解决方案、科研解决方案、医疗技术和消费光学的市场上,蔡司公司不断贡献尖端技术,挑战人类视野的巅峰。蔡司不仅研发制造天文台、眼镜镜片、相机摄影机镜头和望远镜镜片,更为生物医学研究、医疗技术、半导体、汽车和机械制造工业提供光学解决方案。

1846 年始创于德国耶拿的蔡司集团,目前有六大业务在全球 40 多个国家运营,共设有约 40 个 生产基地和 50 余个销售及服务处,并拥有近 20 个研发中心。蔡司集团 100% 为卡尔蔡司基金会全额控股,总部位于德国奥伯科亨
jkl2012 | 2013-10-7 02:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
蔡司集团是全球光学和光电行业的领导者。全球 24000 名员工在 2011/12 财年创造了 42 亿欧元的业绩。一百六十多年来,在工业解决方案、科研解决方案、医疗技术和消费光学的市场上,蔡司公司不断贡献尖端技术,挑战人类视野的巅峰。蔡司不仅研发制造天文台、眼镜镜片、相机摄影机镜头和望远镜镜片,更为生物医学研究、医疗技术、半导体、汽车和机械制造工业提供光学解决方案。
jkl2012 | 2013-10-9 10:21:28 | 显示全部楼层
近年,蔡司中国与清华大学、同济大学、上海大学和西安理工大学等知名高校开展了从研发到教习的广泛合作,为提高学术研究水平、支持本地研发、推进产学研应用合作不懈努力。2012 年,蔡司在上海设立创新与研发中心,进一步推动中国区的长期发展。

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