
查看498 | 回复0 | 2013-8-26 21:18:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


工作时间:10月5日—10月13日,共9天。(要求连续全天出息)培训时间:9月14日(周六) 9月29日(周日)全天

Staff Basic Criteria:
Bilingual Chinese and English
Team spirit
Comfortable dealing with people, especially people from other cultures
Takes initiative to identify and solve problems
Enthusiastic and energetic
Service minded
Healthy, fit, well-groomed and good hygiene
Preference for those with practical work or events experience

THIS IS A PAID POSITION: As such, all staff must commit to working all days during the week of launch and all 1-2 days of training; absences from any training or work days will not be allowed without exceptional circumstances

Positions Available:
VIP Airport Pick Up, VIP Receptionist Desk, Transportation Center, Experience Center

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