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About United Overseas Bank Limited

United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB) was incorporated in Singapore on 6 August 1935 as the United Chinese Bank. Founded by Datuk Wee Kheng Chiang, the Bank catered mainly to the Fujian community in its early years. In 1965, the Bank changed its name to United Overseas Bank to reflect its ambition to become a premier bank in the Asia Pacific region.

Over the past 77 years, UOB has grown through a series of strategic acquisitions and organic growth. UOB’s major banking subsidiaries in the region now include United Overseas Bank (Malaysia), United Overseas Bank (Thai), PT Bank UOB Indonesia and United Overseas Bank (China). UOB’s portfolio also includes Far Eastern Bank.

Today, UOB has a global network of more than 500 branches and offices in 19 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, Western Europe and North America.  

UOB provides a wide range of financial services through its global network including personal financial services, wealth management, private banking, commercial and corporate banking, investment banking, corporate finance, capital market activities, treasury services, futures broking, asset management, venture capital management, insurance and stockbroking services. UOB also has diversified interests in travel and property management.

In Singapore, UOB is a market leader in the credit card and private residential home loan businesses. It is also a key player in loans to small and medium enterprises. Its fund management arm, UOB Asset Management, is one of Singapore's most awarded fund managers with a growing regional presence.

UOB is rated among the world’s top banks, with a rating of Aa1 from Moody’s and AA- from Standard & Poor’s respectively.  

UOB plays an active role in the community, focusing its corporate responsibility efforts on the arts, promoting education and helping children. For three decades, UOB has organised the annual UOB Painting Of The Year Competition which promotes the works of budding Asian artists. UOB also encourages its employees across the region to get involved in its corporate responsibility programme through regular volunteer activities. This includes UOB’s Heartbeat Run/Walk which is held in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

For more information, please visit www.uobgroup.com

About United Overseas Bank (China) Limited

United Overseas Bank (China) Limited (UOB (China)) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB), a leading bank in Asia. UOB (China) was incorporated in the People’s Republic of China on 18 December 2007 with a registered capital of RMB 3 billion.

Headquartered in Shanghai, UOB (China) commenced business on 2 January 2008. Our growth in China has been based on a long-term strategic focus which has seen us increase our presence to more than 10 branches and sub-branches in major cities in China

UOB has more than 20 years’ experience in China. Our first representative office was set up in Beijing in 1984. We were also the first bank from Southeast Asia authorised to settle capital accounts in Shanghai. In 2006, we received a Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) licence which enabled us to buy and sell yuan-denominated “A” shares in China’s mainland stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen.

UOB (China) received a retail Renminbi (RMB) licence and Shanghai Gold Exchange trading membership in 2008 and 2011 respectively. This extended further our business offerings to customers operating in China.

UOB (China) is triple A rated for comprehensive financial credibility and stable for financial strength outlook.

About the Management Associate Program

UOB China Management Associate (MA) Program seeks to attract, grow and develop talented individuals.

The objective of the MA Program is to fast track MAs' fundamental understanding of banking, to equip them with the practical aspects of our business and to build future leaders to meet the bank’s future growth.

Because We Nurture Individuals...

The UOB China MA Program is a 15-month stint to grow and nurture organically potential leaders. The Program, which comprises core training and job rotations, is structured to provide the UOB China MA with opportunities for accelerated learning and skills acquisition. Regardless of whether you have any banking and finance qualifications or experience, the Program will provide a strong foundation upon which you can embark on an exciting and fruitful career in banking with UOB China.

Classroom Training
- UOB China Orientation
- Performance & Professional Image
- Compliance Introduction & IT Security
- Introduction to UOB Products and Services
- Regulatory Awareness Programme
- Core Values
- Professional Development Courses
- Functional Courses
Continuous Learning
- Dialogue with Management
- Case Studies/Projects
- On the Job Training (OJT)
- Cross-function & Cross-city Rotations
- Learning Sharing Session
- Mentorship
- Buddy Scheme

As part of UOB’s strong nurturing and continuous learning culture, training will be ongoing and you will benefit from a highly supportive working environment as well as professional development which will help cultivate specific skills required for success in the business unit (Function) you have chosen to anchor your career with UOB. You may even have opportunities to leverage on our strong regional presence to gain valuable overseas work experience.

There will be periodic formal and informal exchanges with Management and Human Resources to discuss your progress and experiences. These are excellent opportunities for networking and camaraderie.

The UOB China MA Program has its very own Mentorship Program that is designed to provide our MAs with career guidance on a one-to-one basis. Our mentors, consisting of managers from different functions of the bank, are highly experienced and dedicated in guiding our MAs towards having a more successful and fruitful career with UOB China.

What It Takes

If you believe you can make your mark with UOB, as we make our mark in Asia, we invite you to sign up for the UOB China Management Associate Program.
You should preferably have or possess the following:
        At least a Bachelor’s Degree be expected to graduate in 2013, or graduates who have gained no more than 2 years’ work experience with at least a Bachelor’s Degree are also considered
        Be passionate and self-driven to deliver performance excellence
        Demonstrate exceptional leadership potential and be a team player
        Excellent written and spoken English, with good GPA

Career Talk

成都     西南财经大学   26 Sep 15:00   国际报告厅(柳林校区)

厦门     厦门大学       28 Sep 18:30    自钦楼大学生活动中心2楼多功能厅(思明校区)

北京     中央财经大学   15 Oct 18:30    图书馆配楼报告厅

北京     北京大学       16 Oct 18:30    英杰交流中心新闻发布厅

上海     复旦大学       18 Oct 16:00    管理学院史带楼友邦堂

上海     上海财经大学   19 Oct 16:00    行政大楼1楼报告厅

Apply Now

If you are ready to be a UOB China MA, please apply online: http://campus.51job.com/UOB
Application closing date: 23 Oct 2012

More information, please visit:
        http://campus.51job.com/UOB
        www.uobchina.com.cn

If you encounter any difficulties in the registration or selection process, you may wish to contact us at: UOBCManagementAssociateProgram@UOBgroup.com

Most banks want you to invest with them. We want to invest in you.
Join us. Make your mark with UOB as we make our mark in Asia.
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