
查看1035 | 回复7 | 2012-9-19 14:25:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ghedu 于 2012-11-1 10:08 编辑






Job description:
1、Preparing and teaching relevant A level and IGCSE subject according to CIE syllabus.
2、Acting as a class supervisor,creating a positive learning atmosphere.
3、Communicating with parents regarding her/his child’s learning progress.
4、Giving appropriate amount of homework,correcting them and giving feedback on time.
5、Preparing standardized school report at least twice perterm.
6、Promoting and adhering to school policies,such as uniform,classroom rules and other disciplinary procedures.
7、Participating in various meetings and activities organized by school,such as staff meeting,parents meeting and school promotion events.
8、Providing useful information regarding university application and giving letter of recommendations when it’s needed.

Personal Specification:
1、Good university degree in relevant subject area.
2、Good command of English;can communicate with expatriate staff and teach in English.
3、Appreciating and promoting school’s culture.
4、Committed in international education profession.


Who we are(学院简介)

Shanghai Guanghua College is an educational organization authorized by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) to offer ‘A level’ and IGCSE courses and conduct A level and IGCSE examinations. The college is located in one of the world’s most dynamic and fastest developing cities – Shanghai.
上海光华学院是在剑桥大学国际考试委员会(CIE)注册的教育机构,为中国学生提供A Level和IGCSE课程,本院学生可以在学院直接参加这些课程的考试。学院位于世界上经济发展最快、最具有活力的城市——上海。
Just after three years, the college has grown into a school with good reputation, with all the pupils receiving offers from top UK, US and Canadian universities. Currently, the college has two campuses in Shanghai; the first one was opened in 2008 at Shuangyang Road, wihin Kongjiang High School, Yangpu District. The second one was recently opened and located inside one of the top ranked high school – High School Affiliated to Fudan University.

What we do(开设课程)

All A Level and IGCSE Courses at our Centre are carried out both in English and Chinese, directed by the CIE syllabus and using CIE approved teaching materials. To ensure our pupils benefit from the essence of both eastern and western teaching methods and styles, we have two sets of teachers – highly qualified expatriate staff and local bilingual teachers. Furthermore, our college works closely with Fudan University and its affiliated high school, sharing their high quality teaching facilities and human resources to provide the best possible education for our pupils.
所有的A Level和IGCSE课程按照CIE的教学大纲和CIE认可的教材进行教学,教学将使用英语和中文同时进行,为了确保学生从东方教育和西方教育中的精华中获益,我们的教师队伍由两组教师组成:高水准的外籍教师和中国的双语教师。此外,学院和控江中学及复旦大学附中共享其硬件设施和人力资源,为我们的学生提供最好的教育。

Why join us(加盟的理由)

We are aiming to provide a relaxed, team-oriented working environment, one that emphasizes kindness and support amongst colleagues, along with respect and sensitivity towards all cultures.
One of the reasons most overseas teachers enjoy teaching at our school is due to the fact that that we have truly exceptional pupils that are highly motivated and diligent. All the pupils are required to pass a selective entry examination to study here. Most pupils are determined to gain entry into some of the most prestigious universities worldwide, such as Oxford and Cambridge, and they are committed to realizing their personal goals, as evidenced by their hard work and dedication.
As the Chinese economy gets stronger, more and more parents prefer to send their child to overseas to receive quality high education. However, the direct move from a Chinese high school to a foreign country’s university is difficult for children who have not been taught previously in a foreign language. An appreciation of the problem by Chinese parents has led to a growing demand for schools who offer A level and other international recognized courses. As a result, Shanghai Guanghua College has the opportunities to offer attractive teaching positions to committed and competent educational professionals.
随着中国经济的走强,越来越多的家长希望送子女到海外接受优质的高等教育。但是,直接从中国的高中教育体系转变到国际的高等教育环境对许多学生来说是困难的。为了解决这个问题,中国父母把目光聚焦到提供A Level课程和其它国际认可课程的学校上。上海光华学院正是在这种需求下应运而生,希望为优秀的人才提供具有吸引力的教学岗位,并提供良好的职业发展空间。
ghedu | 2012-9-20 16:19:49 | 显示全部楼层
ghedu | 2012-9-24 08:32:50 | 显示全部楼层
好贴不要沉 欢迎大家应聘
ghedu | 2012-9-26 08:14:14 | 显示全部楼层
up up up
ghedu | 2012-10-23 09:04:22 | 显示全部楼层
up up up up up
ghedu | 2012-11-6 14:25:50 | 显示全部楼层
ghedu | 2012-11-7 15:19:42 | 显示全部楼层
ghedu | 2012-11-8 08:07:16 | 显示全部楼层
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