hr-ti 发表于 2014-2-27 11:08:20

【招聘】德州仪器招聘IT Intern(2016年及以后毕业)

      德州仪器公司(Texas Instruments,简称TI)成立于1930年,TI设计并生产模拟器件、数字信号处理 (DSP) 以及微控制器 (MCU) 半导体芯片。TI 是模拟器件解决方案和数字嵌入及应用处理半导体解决方案领先的半导体供应商。总部位于美国得克萨斯州的达拉斯,并在25多个国家设有制造、设计或销售机构。TI2008年营业额为125亿美元。在财富(Fortune) 500强企业中名列第215位。


Job Title:IT Intern

Job Descriptions:
• Document internal procedures and knowledge sharing;
• Data collection and analysis for hardware and software inventory.
• Install or repair Windows computers with standardized applications;
• Diagnose and solve hardware and software issues of client computers;
• Working location: Shanghai

• Smart, Responsible, Quick learner;
• Strong interpersonal skill, good at communication, especially in English;
• Familiar with Windows, Office, Internet Explorer, and other client software, knowledge of network is preferred;
• Available to work at least 3 full days per week.

If you are interested in this position, please send your CV as attachment to :
Email Title : IT Intern_Name_University_Major_Degree_Available working days/week
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